Shimontini Mitra, MD

Fenway Health Community Center/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Boston, Massachusetts

Shimi is currently a practicing nephrologist in Fenway Health and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). She grew up in Kenya, where she witnessed the tragic consequences of inequalities in healthcare systems where vulnerable populations suffered from HIV. This led her to pursue a degree in medicine. After medical school, she completed a research fellowship in Boston as part of a project to develop a novel recombinant vector for use in an HIV vaccine. Upon completion, she started a residency in internal medicine in BIDMC where she joined the global health track. Here, she had the opportunity to study economic demands in delivery of healthcare in resource limited settings at the Harvard School of Public Health as well as work for a period of time in Botswana. She completed a fellowship in nephrology at BIDMC after residency. Shimi’s quest and passion to further explore social determinants of health, led her to joining Fenway Health, an institution that prides itself in supporting underserved communities. She works closely with patients of the LGBTQIA communities in the field of nephrology and advocacy.


Anjali Niyogi, MD, MPH


Rose L. Molina, MD, MPH