Anjali Niyogi, MD, MPH

Tulane School of Medicine

New Orleans, LA

Dr. Niyogi is Associate Professor of Internal Medicine/ Pediatrics, founder and executive director of the Formerly Incarcerated Transitions (FIT) Clinic in New Orleans, co-program director of the Resident Initiative in Global Health at Tulane (RIGHT) program, and an active member of the asylum network with Physicians for Human Rights. She has worked internationally in medical education, capacity building and direct clinic services in over a dozen countries. She holds the Kylene and Brad Beers Professorship of Social Entrepreneurship at the Phyllis M. Taylor Center for Design Thinking and Social Entrepreneurship. She holds a class on Health and Human Rights at the Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and teaches on implicit bias and healthcare disparities at the medical school. Her research centers on community-based participatory research practices with formerly incarcerated person. As Co-PI on a Patient Centered Outcomes Research Grant (PCORI), Dr. Niyogi co-founded the Prisoner to Patient Project (P2P), bringing together formerly incarcerated persons, public health researchers, advocates, civil rights attorneys and clinician to improve healthcare for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated persons.


Geoffrey Hayden, MD


Shimontini Mitra, MD