Final Gathering - Day 2

Final Gathering - Day 2

The purpose of the final gathering is to reflect on community organizing as a craft, art, and vocation. We will also hear from everyone about what they have learned from their participation in the program. What have we learned about ourselves as health equity advocates and organizers? What's next?

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Final Gathering

Final Gathering

The purpose of the final gathering is to reflect on community organizing as a craft, art, and vocation. We will also hear from everyone about what they have learned from their participation in the program. What have we learned about ourselves as health equity advocates and organizers? What's next?

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Module 9 - Climate Change & Health

Module 9 - Climate Change & Health

Climate change is the phenomenon in which greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels have caused unnatural warming of our atmosphere from heat-trapping gases. This has profoundly important consequences for health and health equity. In this session, we provide an orientation to climate change and health equity and describe advocacy roles that health professionals can play. We will also explore the social and political forces that enabled this crisis and prevent the implementation of solutions.

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Module 8 - LGBTQ Health

Module 8 - LGBTQ Health

We will review key elements of providing inclusive, affirming care to LGBTQ patients and the health inequities faced by LGBTQ communities. This module will be grounded in the history and current trends of LGBTQ health and healthcare in the United States. We will use case studies to discuss the ways in which interprofessional healthcare providers can advocate for their LGBTQ patients and organize around LGBTQ healthcare issues.

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Module 6 - Immigration & Health

Module 6 - Immigration & Health

In this session, we will dive more deeply into a particular topic, immigration in the US, to explore the complexities of how an understanding of social determinants of health affect patients and health care, and how an equity-based approach can inform our work at the clinical, institutional, and policy levels.

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Module 5 - Teams & Coalitions
to Apr 8

Module 5 - Teams & Coalitions

In this module, we talk about team structure. We cover why a shared purpose, shared roles, and shared norms are critical to success and learn how to establish these conditions on leadership teams and coalitions.

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Module 4 - Inequality and American Healthcare

Module 4 - Inequality and American Healthcare

We will review the historical roots of social medicine and the differences between the biomedical and the social medicine approach. Through selected historical examples, we will reflect on successful strategies for improving health with an understanding of social determinants of health, challenges to social change, and the role that interdisciplinary healthcare providers can play.

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Module 3 - Relationship Building
to Feb 11

Module 3 - Relationship Building

Community organizers build relationships among members of a constituency to create a commitment to a common purpose. Through our relationships, we can understand our purposes and shared values and develop resources to act upon them.

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Module 2 - Racism & Health

Module 2 - Racism & Health

Racism negatively impacts health outcomes and healthcare delivery. In this session, we will name racism and the ways in which racism makes people sick. We will also seek to understand the ways in which we, as health professionals, can strategize to act.

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Module 1 - Public Narrative
to Dec 10

Module 1 - Public Narrative

Public Narrative is a leadership art that draws on the power of storytelling to motivate others to join us in taking action. We have all made choices that shaped our life’s path—how we responded to challenges, how we joined groups or took leadership, finding the courage to take risks. In Public Narrative, we focus on choice moments in our lives when our values become real and we exercise agency in the face of uncertainty and describing these moments as motivational and solidarity-building stories.

Learning Objectives:

Identify a key moment in your life that demonstrates important concepts in your motivation and identity.

Use the art of public narrative to describe this key moment in the form of a story to build solidarity and inspire change.

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Online Launch - Day 1

Online Launch - Day 1

Introduction to Concepts in Social Medicine

Introduction to Community Organizing

Health Equity: Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System

Advocacy Action: People, Power, Change

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